What Are The Health Benefits Of An Organized Home Office?

For more than a year, many people have been working remotely due to the pandemic. If you’re one of them, it’s important to think about how that may have and still is impacting your health and happiness. You may feel that working from home provides you with the flexibility to better manage your personal and professional life. All the nuances of traveling, traffic and many other pet peeves are no longer issues. But now, there are new challenges, such as decreased socialization and motivation as well as increased distractions and messy home workspaces, that could each be taking its toll on your mental and/or physical health.  

Here, we’ll focus on the home office organization issue and provide some psychological perks of keeping your workspace clean. Let’s get into it.

Less clutter, less stress

It’s a known fact that clutter adds to feelings of stress. And too much stress can trigger depression, sleep trouble, fatigue and a number of other health problems.  

A 2019 study with 290 US office workers examined clutter as a physical stressor in the workplace. The study found that stress and emotional exhaustion causes employees to be more indecisive. This procrastination created more desk clutter by having extra documents and resources within reach. If you have too many things on your desk to look at, your brain will try to process them all at the same time. This overload could make it harder for you to focus on your work. Walking into the office in the morning and seeing an unclean, messy desk will also raise your stress levels before you even start to work.

How desk cable chaos can impact productivity

Chaos is a distraction that prevents the brain from processing information.

Tangled cables is one of the main factors of visible chaos in the office. This chaotic environment consists of wires scattered over and under your desk. Before you know it, your home office begins looking messy, disorganized and stressful. On the flip side, walking into a room that is clean and clear of clutter instantly makes you feel at ease and helps to reduce your stress levels.

(source: www.smallbizdaily.com)

Prevent injuries with better home office cable management

Keeping cables organized is a simple way to prevent injuries from falls and other accidents. 

Because you are often in a hurry when nothing is organized, you might cut your hand on a hidden sharp object or trip over other obstacles in your path. Loose cables also pose a strangulation risk for small children. 

A home office with organized cables helps keep you and your kids safer while also reducing clutter and stress levels.

Home office tips to stay organized and productive

Working remotely means that you can design your home office any way you want. Taking the time to declutter your workspace is worth it since it can help you better organize your thoughts. 

So, how can you create order out of chaos in your home office?

  1. Keep it simple

  2. Keep clutter to a minimum by using your desk to hold only what you truly need (aka things you use daily) when you’re working or studying

  3. Get into the habit of cleaning your workspace before leaving

  4. Update your home office with a cable management solution

igus® offers simplistic and elegant solutions for home office cable management. They can even be attached to the desk with magnets so that the surface area of the desk won’t be damaged. Contact igus® here to learn more. 

It goes without saying that a messy workspace is an unproductive workspace. Most people consider their workplaces as a second home and that statement couldn't be more true for the remote office workers. Focus your efforts on keeping your work environment well-maintained and clutter-free. By doing so, you will be more productive, efficient and - most importantly - happy. 

(source: www.flexjobs.com)

(source: www.yourtrainingedge.com)

Derek Solas