Face Mask Vending Machines: Save Cost With The Right Robot
Due to the current situation with the Covid-19 virus, protective masks are our daily companion, whether in the supermarket or when visiting the doctor. Whether homemade or produced masks, almost everyone has at least one mask for their own needs. But, what can you do if you have forgotten the mask and still have to go shopping?
More and more often, vending machines are being placed in front of shops in order to ensure admission. These dispensers are constructed similarly to toy vending machines as seen in fairgrounds. There a robot grips a desired toy and brings it to the delivery point.
A pick and place application can be seen here:
igus® robot kinematics for cost-effective and fast automation
Robot kinematics from igus® are a perfect automation choice when designing vending machines. Whether the delta robot, which enables lightning-fast dispensing with a dynamic of 60 picks/min, or modular gantry robots, where the customer can choose the length, igus® robots are a cost-effective solution and offer a fast return on investment.
A delta robot is an ideal choice for mask dispensers
The delta robot is an extremely reliable and cost-effective choice for automation within vending machines. They are also known as a parallel robot or spider robot since they consist of three linear actuators that are built upward and form in the center. The delta robot is characterized by its speed, which achieves up to 60 picks per minute. The delta kinematics are optimal for pick and place applications, like those used within the food, electronics and pharmaceutical industries. With all of these benefits, the delta robot is more than ideal for mask dispensers.
To learn more about which robot might be best for your system or machine, read our blog post on the different types of industrial robots. On request, igus® can supply a completely finished control concept with the igus Robot Control system. To learn more please do not hesitate to contact our Low-Cost Automation Product Specialist.